Health / 16.12.2014

Health A-Z: Women’s health

By Healthy Magazine
Women's health – intimate issues explained sans embarrassment

WomensHealth_forwebWe know it’s not always easy to talk about intimate health issues, from thrush and cystitis to menopausal problems like vaginal dryness and gynaecological conditions, such as cervical cancer

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and endometriosis. Pesky hormones are at the root of many women’s health conditions.

Monthly hormone fluctuations can be linked to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which may leave you tired, irritable and depressed. And polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is caused by a hormone imbalance and is connected to a range of other health issues, from acne to weight gain. But there are natural ways to help you whatever your issue, alongside help your doctor can offer.

Health A-Z: Women's health
Article Name
Health A-Z: Women's health
From thrush and cystitis to menopausal problems like vaginal dryness and gynaecological conditions, it's not always easy to talk about intimate issues.
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Healthy Magazine
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