Five reasons to pull on those dancing shoes
You may be adamant that you have two left feet, but let’s face it, who cares what you look like jumping around the dance studio so long as you’re having a good time? Dancing has been proved to be one of the best ways to keep fit and lose weight whilst having heaps of fun with friends. So if you’re sick of cycling and jogging around the park, here’s why you should get dancing instead.
1 The fun factor
Any form of exercise can quickly become monotonous if it’s the only thing you do . Dancing, however, is a fun and varied way to keep fit. There are so many different dance styles to try out from ballet to street, and salsa to break-dancing, so you’re sure to find a dance class to keep you entertained.
2 Posture perfect
We all dream of having great posture but being desk-bound, as many of us are, means it’s easy to slouch occasionally without even realising. All types of dancing help you to improve posture, increase muscle strength and hone balance and coordination.
Looking for another way to improve your posture? Try yoga instead
3 Drop a dress size
Dancing is one of the best ways to lose weight – your mind is so focused on busting those moves that its entirely possible to forget just hard hard you’ve worked for how long. At the most intense dance classes you can burn between 400-600 calories in an hour – after a month of bi-weekly classes you should be able to see a difference in your body shape. And don’t those jeans feel a little looser..?
As well as dancing the pounds off, we have plenty of other tips to help you lose weight
4 De-stress
All types of exercise help to de-stress and dancing is no different. Many studies have found that dancing helps to boost your serotonin levels, too, which in turn makes you happier and more able to tackle problems with a smile.
5 Remember more
Dancing can help improve memory, alertness, concentration and hand-eye coordination, and a recent study revealed that people who dance regularly are less likely to suffer from dementia in later years. So grab those dancing shoes and give it a whirl.