Food / 07.01.2016

Upgrade your broth: 3 ways

By Francesca Specter
3 delicious variations on traditional broths

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Did you see our ‘Take Stock

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‘ broth recipes in the latest issue of healthy? Here’s how to make your broths even more delicious with these three easy variations…

Did you enjoy making the classic beef bone soup?

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Now try this…

Beef bone broth is the essential ingredient in Pho, a Vietnamese clear soup of beef broth flavoured with fresh root ginger, coconut, sugar, fish sauce, sliced spring onions (scallions), chillies and spices (a cinnamon stick, coriander and fennel seeds, whole cloves and star anise). Add thinly sliced grilled steak, some cooked rice noodles, lime juice and chopped herbs – coriander (cilantro), mint and basil – just before serving. Delicious! You can make this with beef marrow bone broth, too.

Can’t get enough of the white fish bone variety? 

Now try this…

You can make a great miso broth by adding miso paste, chopped spring onions (scallions), chopped thin asparagus stems, wakame seaweed and chunks of tofu to some simmering fish broth.

Is the allium broth your new veggie favourite?

Now try this…

This broth is delicious if you add some diced or shredded green vegetables to it and simmer gently until they soften. Alternatively, fennel, endive and/or raddiccio all sit very well with this broth, and can be simmered gently for 10-20 mins before adding a squeeze of lime juice, and serving straight into soup bowls for a refreshing, cleansing soup.
What’s your favourite broth combination? Let us know by tweeting us @healthymag!

Recipes taken from Broth: nature’s cure-all for health and nutrition by Vicki Edgson and Heather Thomas (Jacqui Small, £20). Photography by Lisa Linder.

Upgrade your broth: 3 ways
Article Name
Upgrade your broth: 3 ways
Did you see our 'Take Stock' broth recipes in the latest issue of healthy? Make your broths even more delicious with these three easy variations...
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Healthy Magazine
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