Self / 25.07.2016

Healthy summer reads: 5 of the best

By Georgia McIntyre
From beauty handbooks to the science of happiness, our essential line-up

healthy summer reads 2016

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1 Pretty Honest: The Straight-Talking Beauty Companion

By Sali Hughes

Pretty Honest book cover

What does this book offer?

Sali Hughes’ book offers much more down-to-earth advice on how to use makeup to help you transform yourself physically and emotionally. It will help you to explore make up styles, whilst staying funny and light-hearted.

Why is it perfect for summer 2016?

Summer is the perfect time for days out, garden parties and relaxing in the good weather; the best way to do these things is feeling beautiful. This book helps you do just that. The beauty tips that you will discover will make you want to show off your new looks for all your friends, as well as feeling good in yourself.

2 The Wisdom of Groundhog Day: How to improve your life one day at a time

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What does it offer?

This book can help teach you how to escape from everyday routine and how to make every day amazing. Paul Hammam taps into the process of the well known film Groundhog Day, and uses the story to show you how you can learn to focus on and appreciate everyday life.

Why should this be on my summer beach reads list?

Everyone deserves a bit of me time, and with most people taking a break from work during the summer there is no better time to focus on yourself and learn how adopting a more positive outlook to make you happier in the long term.

3 Superfoods: The Flexible Approach to Eating More Superfoods

By Julie Montagu


What does this book offer?

This recipe book contains 90 different recipes, and facts, on how you can introduce superfoods into your daily diet. People are so busy nowadays that there often isn’t time to try and keep up a healthy lifestyle, but these healthy recipes can help you turn your eating habits around, simply by adding more ‘good’ foods into your daily diet.

Why is this one of the best nutrition books to read?

Food plays a huge role in our lives and summer is probably the time when we consume the most of it. Rather than focussing on the controversial ‘beach body’ concept, Julie Montagu’s book about nutrition is a great way to keep your body looking, and feeling, healthy throughout the long summer days with filling, nutritious recipes.

4 Born To Run: The Hidden Tribe, The Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Ever Seen

By Christopher McDougall


What does this book offer?

Motivation. This book is part how-to and part story, yet it weaves together storytelling with sport perfectly. The how-to part of this summer read offers the secrets to being an incredible runner, as well as presenting the philosophy of exercise. McDougall gives a serious insight into how our bodies really are born to run, and he backs it all up with hard acts and scientific evidence.

Will this book teach me how to get healthier?

It’s easy to get lazy in the summer heat, but exercise is so important for our physical and mental health all year round, and running is a great way to live healthy as well as enjoy the weather. Reading this won’t make you a marathon runner, but it will help you appreciate a run in the sun and help you to start a healthy lifestyle that you won’t want to give up.

5 Stumbling on Happiness

By Daniel Gilbert


What does this book offer?

This book teaches you, not just how to be happy, but about happiness in general. Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert talks about how rubbish we are at predicting our own happiness and how we can change that. Gilbert offers us a look at science of happiness and gives an interesting take on the way we usually perceive it.

Is it too heavy for a summer beach read?

Although this book sounds pretty serious, it is actually written in a very funny way. It’s very thought provoking, so is a great way to get your brain working, and it can also help you tap into your own happiness. Who doesn’t want to spend their summer smiling and feeling great? This book should be on your essential summer 2016 reading list to help you relax and reflect on yourself, your future, and your emotions.

What are your favourite summer reads on how to be healthy? Tweet us @healthymag – we love to hear from you!

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Healthy summer reads: 5 of the best
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Healthy summer reads: 5 of the best
Our list of 5 healthy summer reads 2016 is packed with simple advice on how to get in shape including the best nutrition books
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