Health / 11.05.2018

Iron out tiredness

By Hattie Parish
Tiredness need not be a way of life - power your summer with Active Iron

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Everyday tiredness can affect us all. In fact, it might be hard to remember a time you weren’t

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feeling tired. This need not be a way of life, though – you might just need more iron in your diet.

Women of childbearing age need almost two to three times more iron as men. A supplement such as Active Iron can be beneficial if you’re not getting enough iron in your diet. Active Iron is suitable for women having periods, pregnant women, exercise fanatics and people with an unbalanced vegetarian diet.

One of a kind

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Active Iron is kind on you, strong on absorption.

Many people are put off taking iron supplements as they’ve had stomach pain, cramps, sickness, constipation and flatulence from taking them in the past. The ground-breaking Active Iron formula is non-irritating to the stomach and is even gentle enough to take on an empty stomach. The product is absorbed in the body’s natural iron gateway – the DMT-1 – working in tune with your body.

Consumer research shows nine out of 10 people prefer Active Iron to other iron products.* It’s free from artificial preservatives, yeast, gluten and sugar. It’s suitable for vegetarians and for use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding too.

Tackle tiredness
Iron is essential for making healthy red blood cells – it’s a key component of haemoglobin, which carries the oxygen in your blood around your body. If you get too little, you may feel tired all the time.

Ensure you’re eating plenty of iron-rich foods like red meat, leafy green veggies and pair iron-rich foods with vitamin C to boost absorption. If you need to top up, take Active Iron to ensure you’re getting enough.

Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor if you think you are low in iron. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or under medical supervision consult your doctor before taking supplements. Supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. You should not exceed the recommended daily supplement of iron without consulting your diet or pharmacist.

*Consumer survey data on file at Solvotrin.

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Active Iron Capsules are available in selected Holland & Barrett stores and online at