Why is everyone getting so excited about cauliflower? How can you get kids to eat their mushrooms? Or make brocolli more exciting?
Whatever your veggie-related questions we’ve got the gorgeous model, ex-Celebrity Masterchef finalist and full-time foodie Jodie Kidd on hand to answer them, and help you find more delicious ways to get the world’s healthiest foods into your diet.
Join team Healthy
and Jodie Kidd on Twitter at 1pm on Tuesday 17th February for a #vegmasterclass – supermodel style. Tweet your questions using #vegmasterclass to us @healthymag – or, if you’re busy at 1pm – or not on Twitter, email your questions to healthy@therivergroup.co.uk and we’ll make sure they get answered.
Read more: 7 ways to boost your meat-free mealsWe can’t wait to get some fresh new veggie inspiration from Jodie – she might even convince us to go for savoury pancakes tomorrow!
Get thinking. We’ll see you tomorrow. #vegmasterclass
Jodie is supporting the Just Add Mushrooms campiagn, check out www.justaddmushrooms.co.uk for more